18 January 2024

Pilates for swimmers.

Do swimmers need training units on land?

Swimming requires very well-developed motor and coordination skills, which include strength, speed, endurance and power, as well as flexibility, dexterity and motor coordination. The more developed these abilities are in an athlete, the better sports results he/she will achieve.

In the case of swimmers, not all motor skills can be developed in the water. Therefore, training on land should be an integral element of the training process. While swimming, the athlete engages over 40 muscle groups. The muscles most engaged in work are the back, chest, upper limbs and legs. It should also be remembered that swimming is based on the work of entire muscle fascias, which stimulate individual muscles. When the fascial tissue is dehydrated and its tension is too high (e.g. as a result of overload or long-term performance of the same movement), it begins to lose its elastic properties and sticks to the surrounding tissues. This limits the movement of structures relative to each other and hinders the flow of blood and lymph. As a result, harmful metabolic products and toxins are not removed, and nutrients and oxygen necessary for proper functioning and regeneration do not reach the body in adequate amounts. This is how sticking and painful myofascial trigger points are created, which results in muscle dysfunction, pain, stiffness and even limited movement in the joints. The body of a swimmer who only trains in water, where the variety of movements is limited and the number of training units is large, is exposed to muscle dysfunction due to the glued and stiff fascia.


How does Pilates impact your swimmer performance?

The Pilates method is based on working on fascial tissue. The exercises are arranged in such a way that during training the exerciser's body moves in every plane (flexions, extensions, bends and rotations), and thanks to this, the system verifies the muscles in the body that are too stiff and affect the limitation of mobility in the joints. The training is based on working with the resistance of springs, which stimulates the muscle, developing its strength. The exerciser also shapes his or her motor coordination by frequent changes in the position of his or her own body, as well as by working on machines that shape spatial orientation and adapt the exerciser's body to perform the same exercises with the participation of other external variables. In addition, the Pilates system works on deep muscles, which include the pelvic floor muscles and respiratory muscles. The practitioner learns how to use 3D breathing, i.e. diaphragmatic breathing, so as not to create unnecessary pressure in the abdominal cavity, which makes it difficult for the core muscles to work. Pilates training is an ideal training unit on land for swimmers in order to fill deficiencies in the body or improve the overall fitness of the exerciser and equalize tensions in the body, which will allow for achieving better sports results.


If you want to see a fragment of a Pilates training or how to perform specific series of exercises on various equipment, please visit my Instagram profile.




Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00

Saturday: 8:00-15:00

Sunday: -



tel. +48 665118180

email: przystanpilates@gmail.com 

adres: ul. Matejki 10/1,

80-232 Gdańsk Wrzeszcz

Social Media

Strona www stworzona w kreatorze WebWave.