29 October 2023

Pilates for seniors.

How do we age?

Each of us ages differently, and it all depends on genetic conditions, the amount of physical activity throughout our lives, diet and the relationships we have with the rest of society in our lives. The aging processes in women and men are different due to different hormonal systems, but there are some common features, including:

- osteoporosis - loss of bone mineral density,

- sarcopenia - loss of muscle mass,

- decreased body flexibility,

- muscle and skin sagging.

To delay the aging process and ensure that the process itself is pain-free and without having to exclude yourself from everyday activities. Every senior, regardless of whether they are athletic or are just starting their adventure with physical activity, can sign up for pilates!


Benefits of pilates.

Pilates training is aimed at delaying the aging process by preventing the loss of muscle mass, where an important role is played by working on Pilates equipment with spring resistance, which stimulates the muscles in an appropriate way (so that every grandfather can play football with his grandson). Moreover, during training, we work on motor and spatial coordination, which improves balance, protecting seniors against falls during everyday activities (especially in winter, when there is frost or even ice on the sidewalks or while skiing). Pilates training also involves working on the mobility and flexibility of the entire body, so that putting on socks is not difficult. Pilates classes largely engage the pelvic floor muscles and deep abdominal muscles, thus eliminating unpleasant sensations when sneezing or coughing in the pelvic area. All of the above aspects of Pilates training help improve the quality of everyday life, eliminating pain and making everyday tasks easier. What's more, group pilates classes allow seniors to create their own sports community, so that training is not just training, but also social meetings including conversations over tea before and after classes.


If you are still wondering whether pilates is the right physical activity for you, call us and arrange your first training or come to us for a cup of tea!

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00

Saturday: 8:00-15:00

Sunday: -



tel. +48 665118180

email: przystanpilates@gmail.com 

adres: ul. Matejki 10/1,

80-232 Gdańsk Wrzeszcz

Social Media

Strona www stworzona w kreatorze WebWave.