24 October 2023

Pilates during pregnancy.

Physical activity of pregnant woman

A woman's body undergoes many changes during pregnancy and after giving birth. The growing belly of a young mother gradually begins to change the center of gravity of the body and increases the load on some joints. Already at the initial stage of pregnancy, the hormonal cocktail takes its toll on the young mother. Increased levels of progesterone, estrogen and the appearance of relaxin produce a number of effects such as:

- general fatigue and drowsiness

- morning sickness,

- dizziness, vomiting,

- constipation,

- heartburnenlarging,

- swollen breasts,

- hypersensitive to touchvariability,

- mood swings

- more frequent urinationslight loosening of ligaments and joint instability.

Physical activity helps maintain proper body weight, which prevents gestational diabetes, and also maintains the health of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems. Thanks to physical activity focused on proper breathing patterns and the ability to tense and relax, they help improve the final stage of pregnancy, which is childbirth. Purposeful exercise during pregnancy also helps prevent postpartum depression and shortens the postpartum period.



Is pilates good for pregnant woman?


The answer is yes, but you should remember that every new mother experiences pregnancy differently and therefore you should consult your doctor during the first trimester to find out if there are any contraindications to exercise. The first trimester is unique and crucial for pregnancy. A woman's body needs a lot of peace and rest and little stress.

Pilates training is tailored to the individual needs of a young mother on a given day, because the condition of pregnancy is unique and well-being during this period may be very variable.

Throughout pregnancy, young mothers need breathing exercises that relax and at the same time strengthen them. The Pilates method gives you the opportunity to learn 3D breathing, i.e. intercostal breathing, with a reduction in the participation of the abdominal cavity in the breathing process. Strengthening exercises help stabilize a young mother's body, which is changing due to the changing center of gravity of the body. Moreover, strengthening exercises will help shorten the postpartum period and prepare the young mother to constantly carry her baby in her arms after giving birth. Relaxation exercises will help you get rid of tension in the body, spine pain, constipation or even leg swelling, and will also prepare you for childbirth. Pilates exercises are the best choice of activity during pregnancy, because it is conscious work on your own body focusing on the pelvic floor muscles, which play a very key role during the entire process of giving new life. During training, the exerciser's joints are relieved, and thanks to working with the resistance of the springs, the muscles are adequately stimulated to prevent pain and injuries. Moreover, balance exercises protect against unwanted falls.


If you are still wondering whether pilates is the right physical activity for you, call us and arrange a consultation, after which we will guide you in the right direction!

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00

Saturday: 8:00-15:00

Sunday: -



tel. +48 665118180

email: przystanpilates@gmail.com 

adres: ul. Matejki 10/1,

80-232 Gdańsk Wrzeszcz

Social Media

Strona www stworzona w kreatorze WebWave.